Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 1 & 2 @.@

I am in Japan!! Long flight and 7 hour stop over with no sleep - ~_~ When I arrived (after the airport security checked all my luggage and checked me for weapons >.< ), I was picked up by Sakamoto san (arigatou Noriko for your kind words) and we drove for about 1 hour to the university. We had a big talk, but she would only let me use Japanese haha taihen yo!! It was amazing to see all the traditional looking houses.. I feel so lucky to be in Japan ne!! ^.^ I then sat my entrance exam, but by that stage (about 30 hours with no sleep) I was a bit of a mess and thinking in Japanese was a real struggle. Sorekara, I am in the ichiban kantanna jyugyou... but if I find it too easy I can move up. All the staff are extremely nice. I even managed to find vegan sushi for lunch at the suupa! Rakki ne!!

Later my host family picked me up, and the are seriously the nicest people ever! Keiko san (okasan) is so lovely, she took me shopping at a locally grown vegetable market and we bought heaps!! However, as soon as we got home (at about 4pm), I went to bed, thinking I woulkd take a nap. Well the nap turned out to be a 14 hour sleep!! >.<

When I got up, we had the biggest breakfast ever.. Debra, you will eb so jealous!! Here it is, in all its vegan glory!

Awesome tofu, rice, salad, lots of veges, oishii yo!!!

And then I even got a cute as bento to take to Uni!

Ok, I will post my next update after class. Mata ne!


x said...

へえええええ!! The area you are living has the best houses ever! Your host family's too!!
I think that sign with the kids is to remind them about 110 being the police emergency number?
And that cubey truck is cute as!!!
あなた の あさごはん を 食べたああああいい言いいい!!!!@_@ ほんとに!
そして おベンと も!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Looks amazing!