Friday, December 5, 2008

お酒! Sake!

After lunch Bikke took me on a mission to find some nice Sake so he, Katsuhikosan (father) and I could have a drink together after dinner (kanpai!)... And we ended up here! This place had these awesome 3-d cut ours on the walls, really beautiful.

I wanted to take more pictures inside, but there were lots of people, and I didnt think they`d appreciate having their photo taken by a weird gaijin! >.<
But this store has EVERY kind on Japanese osake there is... there was seriously sooo many different sake`s... so really beautiful bottles too.

In there I spotted this guy... a 125ml can of beer! haha this thing is sooooo little... it was gone it 2 gulps haha. Cute huh Grant?

At anothe sake shop, I saw these little (well, actually HUGE) drums of sake.

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